Return to Book Page. No trivia or quizzes yet. Editorial, a debutat cu volumul Poezii This was a very good novel, written to demonstrate how much someone can change. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. It is hard to be in the shoes of Zahei that blinds in his youth and is unable to comprehend how this happened to him. zahei orbul

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Preview — Zahei Orbul by Vasile Voiculescu. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read.

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Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. After living without any restriction, being an unusually strong man and working in harbor just enough to obtain the money needed for food and drink, it is no wonder he does not understand his new situation.

Zahei Orbul

Banu, la recomandarea lui Macedonski. To see what your friends thought zahek this book, please sign up. Want to Read saving…. The only major draw back of this edition is that the preface describes most of the book in quite detail.

Editorial, a debutat cu volumul Poezii Then it is easily fooled by all the people met after becoming blind. The book has no clear structure, the story has seemingly no direction or purpose but the language is great Soviany has inherited and perfected this rich and spicy vocabulary and the grotesque scenes from prison similar description of the criminals in Eugen Barbu are splendid.

No trivia or quizzes yet. Published by Cartex first published Naratiunea simbolica a trecerii omului prin lume a cailor de dobandire a mantuirii, a responsabilitatii fiecaruia in alegerea drumului, Zahei orbul este una din scrierile fundamentale ale literaturii romane.

Return to Book Page. In the end the entire novel describes his struggle to regain sight or to make peace with himself.

zahei orbul

Trivia About Zahei Orbul. So it is not a good idea if you are reading this edition and do not like to read a preface that describes the entire book, krbul skip it. Thanks for telling us about the problem. There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

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May 28, Roberto Andrei rated it it was amazing. Refresh and try again.

zahei orbul

A classic Romanian masterpiece. Lists with This Book. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. In the end the entire nove This was a very good novel, written to demonstrate how much someone can change.

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Zahei Orbul by Vasile Voiculescu

Books by Vasile Voiculescu. To ask other readers questions about Zahei Orbulplease sign up. It is hard to be in the shoes of Zahei that blinds in his youth and is unable to comprehend how this happened to him.

Zahei Orbul by Vasile Voiculescu. This was a very good novel, written to demonstrate how much someone can change.
